Thursday, November 13, 2008
I Learned Parenting from Mike Brady
There's an episode of The Brady Bunch where Greg gets grounded from driving because he was nearly involved in an accident and didn't admit it. He drives later anyway, using the defense that Mike didn't actual prohibit him because he didn't use the "exact words" that he couldn't drive. So Mike makes him stick to doing everything based on exact words to teach him a lesson, including suffering through taking Bobby with him on a date at the drive-in, because Greg said he would take him to a movie "sometime". Of course sitcom hilarity ensues, when Bobby also takes his pet frog which ends up on a greasy drive-in pizza and resulting in an overly disgusted date for Greg.
At our house, a bout with the cold has been going around; I got it and had a few sniffles and felt wiped out enough that I missed a day of work. I in turn gave it to my son, who got croup for a couple of days and missed school. Then my wife, who braved out a week before taking a couple of days sick. The day before my wife's first sick day my daughter threw up at a kids' birthday party, and couldn't keep anything down the night before. The next day, she wolfed down a piece of toast with chocolate sprinkles and then complained that her tummy hurt after we admitted she might have to stay home from school if she felt sick enough. My wife being very sick couldn't really take care of her, and I wasn't completely convinced she was all that sick, but I let her stay home anyway figuring it couldn't hurt.
Here's where I used the wisdom of Mike Brady. Yes, I am aware that it's a TV show, and Mike Brady represents the wisdom of the show's writers, but hear me out. I told my daughter that her Mom was too sick to take care of her, that she wouldn't be able to play with her and that she had to help her Mom out because she was pretty sick. The Mike Brady philosophy of creating a situation with consequences and forcing the child to learn a valuable lesson from it worked. When I returned home from work the first sentence out of my daughter's mouth was, "Daddy, I want to go back to school tomorrow."
In a way, I find the Mike Brady philosophy of parenting reprehensible. So your kid won't admit to nearly causing an accident. Why won't he do it? Because he knows that you'll create a situation of compounding negativity from which he'll never escape unless he cops to learning a lesson. On TV we move onto the next episode and another valuable lesson, and the negativity is never mentioned again because each TV episode is a complete vacuum so that viewers can consume it without knowing much about the show. But in reality, you can string together the opportunity of negative situations and you hope that your child will get something out of it. At the very least, learning how to avoid them. Perhaps through secrecy and cons, but understanding the consequences anyway.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Crust or No Crust?
I suppose I'm starting another theme pertaining to hypothetical questions, but this one has come up recently as a model of the slightly different parenting styles of my wife and I. It concerns a question that has been plaguing kids for centuries.
Why does bread have crust and why do I have to eat it?
The answer I explained to my daughter. The crust is the outside of the bread that gets the most heat when it gets baked, therefore it's darker. That's it. It doesn't taste different than the rest of the bread. However, kids don't choose food on taste alone. Texture, specifically whether it smells/feels/looks yucky determines whether they eat food. So with boiled whole potatoes, I take off the skin. With broccoli, only the crowns are eaten, not the stems. When I made my daughter her first peanut butter sandwich, she didn't want the crust, so I politely cut them off for her. When my wife made a peanut butter sandwich, my daughter asked for crust removal and my wife refused. I had set a bad precedent. Now we give her the whole sandwich, but she eats everything but the crust. Either way it gets wasted.
To me, you have to pick your battles with kids. It takes all of five seconds to cut the crusts off, and if I remember right I didn't like them when I was a kid either, so my Mom cut them off for me, too. After a while, I got over my "crusts are yucky" phase and learned to enjoy them. I would rather battle with my daughter about not hitting her brother and going to bed on time. My wife, on the other hand, views it annoying that she is asked to do this in effort to encourage our daughter to get over her reticence about certain foods. She's already a picky enough eater that we don't have to indulge this as well.
I suppose this comes down to the difference between my wife's personality and mine; I'm easygoing and she's pragmatic, though not harsh. However, she can also be easygoing and funloving with the kids, and I can be pretty stern with them as well. I'm a heavy-thinking person, I always have a lot of mental gravitas on my plate and need to do something simple for my kids to get me out of that. I think kids like a little indulgence, but in the long run it may catch up with me. Next my teenaged daughter is going to ask whether she can stay out late with her friends, to which I'd respond 'no', and she'll say: "But you used to be nice to me and cut the crust off my bread!"
Monday, October 20, 2008
King and King
UPDATE: Proposition 8 passed by a slim margin in California.
The U.S. is hitting an election on November 4th and here in California there is a proposition on the ballot that seeks to nullify a court decision earlier in the year which allowed same-sex couples to marry in California. Here is an ad currently running on TV in support of Proposition 8.
The commercial's panic is pretty humorous, but pulling the "look what it's going to do to our children" implication is often pretty effective in passing these kinds of measures. Six years ago, the voters passed an amendment to the California state constitution that defined a legal marriage to be only between a man and a woman, and this amendment was struck down as unconsitutional, thus legalizing same-sex marriage in California. Now the religious nuts trying the same thing again.
I mention it on this blog simply because it uses children in this way. The hysterics are that if nothing is done, children will not only think that being gay is OK, but will actually WANT to be gay. It poses two widely ridiculed notions that religious nuts believe, that being gay is a choice, and therefore you can make someone gay by making it accepted. The book they refer to is actually a stand-in for a real book that recently topped the list of the most banned books in the US called And Tango Makes Three. The story geared at preschoolers to third grade is about two male penguins at the Central Park Zoo who make a loving couple and who desire to lay eggs and have children like other penguin couples. Instead they adopt an egg and nurture it until it hatches a daughter named Tango.
While the ad is humorous, it does get one thing right. In the state of Massachusetts, where another court decision legalizing same-sex marriage passed, it requires that public schools teach that being gay is acceptable and have a curriculum that shows gay couples as being normal. Similar things could happen in California. However, if Proposition 8 passes, then schools couldn't talk about it at all. Although I feel that it's important to talk about such questions at home when they come up, there are many households who don't discuss it all and where a child growing up gay may feel society is hostile to it. Also, many people know gay couples with children. If every child is told only stories and situations where straight couples are the only partners, then wouldn't that confuse kids about gay couples? If they aren't talked about, a child would wonder, then why aren't they?
Understanding same-sex couples isn't something that requires kids be older and have maturity. They don't understand gender roles, and in a loving household they understand that affection is normal part of life and that human beings hug and kiss each other all of the time. Kids don't care if it's two men or two women, they accept whatever their parents do. And yet, they feel it necessary to teach kids about September 11th in schools, even in kindergarten. How do you explain that to a child? Violent events are OK to teach in school, but love is not? How do you explain terrorism to a kindergartner without keeping them awake with nightmares. My daughter had to learn about 9/11 in kindergarten, but should couldn't tell me an inkling about what it meant.
Why should a married straight guy with children care about this issue? It goes beyond just a ballot proposition. To me, just having to explain why it exists breeds intolerance, a law that exists only to regress something that is more widely accepted. I want my kids to feel that being gay or having friends that are gay is OK. Most kids understand that anyway, so it creates a generational conflict to pass a law like this. Also, I have some personal experience - within my circle of friends in middle school and high school, there were four guys who we suspected were gay. My friends were all geeks of some kind or another, so my group of friends were all the social outcasts, and it was natural that gay guys would hang out with us since no one else would understand. Of course, in the eighties and in a conservative city like I grew up in it was common to make passing jokes and innuendoes that gay was a synonym for anything derisive. I made such suggestions, too. The eighties was also a strange time. The hypermasculine intersected with gay culture in places like music, but gay figures such as Boy George were seen as cultural artifacts and not real. One of the old money elite in my school called me gay because I crossed my legs in class, to give you an idea of the homosexual panic that was going on. That guy, by the way, the product of patrician WASP-y family, was at my ten year reunion, fat, drunk and jobless.
Out of that environment, two of the four gay friends I had in school committed suicide by the age of twenty-five. One, not realizing that he was gay slept with another friend and couldn't deal with the ostracizing he got from his family and his own guilt, so he hung himself. Another just practiced whatever extreme of life he could, doing drugs and killing himself slowly until he hastened it along by swallowing a bottle of pills.
Had they been just told in school early on that being gay was OK, maybe they would still be around.
The U.S. is hitting an election on November 4th and here in California there is a proposition on the ballot that seeks to nullify a court decision earlier in the year which allowed same-sex couples to marry in California. Here is an ad currently running on TV in support of Proposition 8.
The commercial's panic is pretty humorous, but pulling the "look what it's going to do to our children" implication is often pretty effective in passing these kinds of measures. Six years ago, the voters passed an amendment to the California state constitution that defined a legal marriage to be only between a man and a woman, and this amendment was struck down as unconsitutional, thus legalizing same-sex marriage in California. Now the religious nuts trying the same thing again.
I mention it on this blog simply because it uses children in this way. The hysterics are that if nothing is done, children will not only think that being gay is OK, but will actually WANT to be gay. It poses two widely ridiculed notions that religious nuts believe, that being gay is a choice, and therefore you can make someone gay by making it accepted. The book they refer to is actually a stand-in for a real book that recently topped the list of the most banned books in the US called And Tango Makes Three. The story geared at preschoolers to third grade is about two male penguins at the Central Park Zoo who make a loving couple and who desire to lay eggs and have children like other penguin couples. Instead they adopt an egg and nurture it until it hatches a daughter named Tango.
While the ad is humorous, it does get one thing right. In the state of Massachusetts, where another court decision legalizing same-sex marriage passed, it requires that public schools teach that being gay is acceptable and have a curriculum that shows gay couples as being normal. Similar things could happen in California. However, if Proposition 8 passes, then schools couldn't talk about it at all. Although I feel that it's important to talk about such questions at home when they come up, there are many households who don't discuss it all and where a child growing up gay may feel society is hostile to it. Also, many people know gay couples with children. If every child is told only stories and situations where straight couples are the only partners, then wouldn't that confuse kids about gay couples? If they aren't talked about, a child would wonder, then why aren't they?
Understanding same-sex couples isn't something that requires kids be older and have maturity. They don't understand gender roles, and in a loving household they understand that affection is normal part of life and that human beings hug and kiss each other all of the time. Kids don't care if it's two men or two women, they accept whatever their parents do. And yet, they feel it necessary to teach kids about September 11th in schools, even in kindergarten. How do you explain that to a child? Violent events are OK to teach in school, but love is not? How do you explain terrorism to a kindergartner without keeping them awake with nightmares. My daughter had to learn about 9/11 in kindergarten, but should couldn't tell me an inkling about what it meant.
Why should a married straight guy with children care about this issue? It goes beyond just a ballot proposition. To me, just having to explain why it exists breeds intolerance, a law that exists only to regress something that is more widely accepted. I want my kids to feel that being gay or having friends that are gay is OK. Most kids understand that anyway, so it creates a generational conflict to pass a law like this. Also, I have some personal experience - within my circle of friends in middle school and high school, there were four guys who we suspected were gay. My friends were all geeks of some kind or another, so my group of friends were all the social outcasts, and it was natural that gay guys would hang out with us since no one else would understand. Of course, in the eighties and in a conservative city like I grew up in it was common to make passing jokes and innuendoes that gay was a synonym for anything derisive. I made such suggestions, too. The eighties was also a strange time. The hypermasculine intersected with gay culture in places like music, but gay figures such as Boy George were seen as cultural artifacts and not real. One of the old money elite in my school called me gay because I crossed my legs in class, to give you an idea of the homosexual panic that was going on. That guy, by the way, the product of patrician WASP-y family, was at my ten year reunion, fat, drunk and jobless.
Out of that environment, two of the four gay friends I had in school committed suicide by the age of twenty-five. One, not realizing that he was gay slept with another friend and couldn't deal with the ostracizing he got from his family and his own guilt, so he hung himself. Another just practiced whatever extreme of life he could, doing drugs and killing himself slowly until he hastened it along by swallowing a bottle of pills.
Had they been just told in school early on that being gay was OK, maybe they would still be around.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What I Am reading to my kids, part 7
Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak
"...And it was still hot." This is probably my favorite line of the book, the very last one. It is significant because it is a quintessentially dual meaning line common to many children's books, that is that children and adults will interpret the line in different ways. I suppose that is true for most culture one encounters in life. I was watching a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie not too long ago, admiring the elegant and fleet foot work, and my son was following along, trying to imitate the tap dancing, as if it was something fun that all adults do.
The story of Where the Wild Things Are is almost negligible. A mischievous boy named Max dressed like a monster is sent to his room without supper and he imagines his room to transmogrify to a forest and a voyage to an island populated by monsters who regard him fearfully enough to make him king. After some wordless frolicking on the island, Max realizes he is really hungry and misses his family, so he returns to his room to find his dinner waiting for him "still hot." The dual meaning of the last line: to children, the hot meal represents comfort and becomes the most important feeling after the adventure described in the story, and to adults it is humorous for the same reasons, and an indication of something only adults know, that the only time that has passed is in Max's imagination. Kids on the other think a long time has passed, since that's what the story says and is a surprising afterthought.
The book is unusual in some respects for the middle, where there is nothing to read and only shows several pictures of Max and the monsters frolicking. These days it seems that every picture has to have narration, so when I read to my daughter she expects me to describe what is going on. Instead I just let her ask me questions about it, such as saying which of the monsters is my favorite, a common distinction kids ask for validation (it's the one that looks like a rooster, by the way).
The main trope employed in the story is one where an imaginary world is placed in an ordinary setting without a transition of some kind - it happens without comment. There is perhaps a history of this, beginning with C.S. Lewis' Narnia books or The Phantom Tollbooth, where a vehicle is clearly described to go to an imaginary world, then leading later to books like this one or say Harold and the Purple Crayon where the world is created spontaneously. Today, it is common to see people just existing in an imaginary world as a matter of fact, which not surprising since kids can instantly put themselves actively into a setting via a video game. Unfortunately, it seems as though the aftereffect is that kids can't really differentiate the two, whereas earlier stories focus on a clear transition between the terrestrial and the imaginary. There is no clearer definition than in the Lewis novels, when the world of an England under attack from the Nazis leads to haven in the world of Narnia.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Remembering classic toys, II
Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House
Not a toy per se, but a record. Yes, a vinyl record that one played on something called a 'turn-table'. As a kid, I had a few records, mostly Disney records, that I played on appropriately enough a Disney toy turntable, with Mickey on the underside of the lid and his arm acting as the arm of the record player.
I used to try to get Mickey to pick his nose, but that's another story. Many long hours were spent listening to my Haunted House 33 RPM record, a collection of stock foley sound effects created at Disney Studios and put together as a collection of "scary sounds". Some of the sounds were later used for the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, while others had been previously used in some cartoon shorts. In fact, the cover for the record at top came from the concept sketches for the Haunted Mansion from the early sixties. The record consisted of one side of narrated stories related to the sounds, which try to put the kid in a scary frame of mind, things like "You're near an old dark mansion, and suddenly you see a light in the go to the house and never come back!". That's followed by a collection of haunted house sounds, wind, thunder, creaky doors and groans and screams, and cat noises. Every story has a scary concept, and all of them end with a blood curdling scream which is supposed to be yours. The same exact two screams. One goes "Wha-wha-whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" and the other "Whaaaaaa-oooooh-waaahhh-oh!" and trails off. Talk about getting some mileage out of the few sound effects. The cat noises come back again, and the narrator tries to get you to picture your sweet loving cat turning against you, hissing and howling. My favorites are the attempt to make cutting down a tree scary, you hear, saw, saw, saw, saw, saw and then one of those two stock screams presumably as the tree falls on you. The Martian landing, where you the space traveller become lunch for Martians (indicated by two foley artists eating celery). The best is the Chinese water torture, where the narrator refers to them as a "clever race" and then after you hear water dripping for a few minutes, and unsettlingly, the sound of your torturer adjusting themselves in a creaky chair. Finally, the narrator, acting as the victim, blurts out "Ching-chong-ching" etc. supposedly as a confession in Chinese. Well, that's 1964 for you. The second side consists of a collection of just sounds for use in your own stories and for sound effects in your own Halloween haunted house. Those same two screams again appear on the "collection of screams and groans".
I loved sound effects records when I was a kid. You sat there and tried to invoke the images they suggest, merely from sound. Imagine that, an afternoon spent listening to sound effects and using one's creativity. Wow, how far we've come with media these days, with video games, CGI effects, where nothing is left to the imagination that's not explicitly laid out. You don't have to take a step without someone holding your hand, and all we had were measly sound effects records and books as a platform for the imagination.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sit Down or Stand Up?
Our nearly two year-old is ready to be potty trained. When he's home, he walks around in just his underwear, tells us when he needs to go, holds it until he can get near a toilet, has an accident now and then, and only wears diapers to bed. Great. In a day when I've seen 5 and 6 year olds still in pullups, our little guy is ahead of the curve.
The trouble is, he is still not quite two yet and isn't big enough to...stand up easily to pee. So in the many months we've been training him up to now, he's been sitting down on the kid's potty to go. He is a boy, and it's his right and privilege as a male to stand up to pee, which affords lots of advantages over the delicate female, who require a 'special place' to go. You have a portable bathroom pretty much anywhere if you have to bad enough. Plus, you can get in and get out of public restrooms in relative ease. In some countries in Europe you have toilets right out in the open for convenience. You try going in one of those, you uterus carriers.
I've tried to encourage him to go standing up in the potty, to some success, but in thinking about it I hesitate teaching him this skill because honestly most guys aren't very good at it. Which I don't understand. You just point it and let gravity take over. But having used public restrooms so many times it is baffling to me how many guys can't hit even the urinal, which is even more foolproof than the sit-down stall toilet. It's on the rim, the floor, the wall; in the sit-down some guys don't bother to lift the seat. You'd pass it off it were a few malcontents, but it is a feature of every public restroom.
So perhaps, for cleanliness sake, it might be better to keep my son sitting down. On the other hand, all those guys who can't hit the seat may have been taught by their mothers, clueless as to the logistics of how to pee standing up, since fathers often have the attitude that potty training and child rearing in general is women's work. I'm going to take the bull by the horns then and teach him mastery of the skill that the other gender could never perform. That other gender may be playing pro basketball (without dunking) or even playing high school football (only kickers, snicker), but they will never pee standing up! Huzzah!
As an aside, I want to share with all of the ladies out there the secrets of male genitalia/bathroom oddities that my wife had never discovered before having a boy at home.
1. Pushing it between our legs when we have to go number two. Unfortunately, the muscle that governs the pee reflex and the poo reflex is the same, and sometimes it's hard to control which comes out when. Women know this when they go, I'm sure, but they don't have to push their junk between their legs when going like a transvestite prostitute trying to convince an in the closet married guy that he's actually picking up a woman (wink, wink).
2. We can't control it once it starts. When my son has an accident, my wife doesn't understand why he suddenly can't stop it and then hold it until she can get him to the potty. You see, it's like closing the barn door while the cows are on their way out. Or it's like closing the dyke while the water is flowing out. Or it's like...I'll stop with the similes. You get the picture. It isn't happening. Especially when you get to be in your late thirties, you REALLY have no control. Once I was in the bathroom while my son was crying, and my wife wondered why I couldn't stop and go to check on him. "I just can't," was my response. She didn't understand.
3. Because it's there. The explanation as to why males from one year-old to ninety year-olds pull, adjust, scratch their junk. The only limitation is that if it hurts, we don't do it. Except if that turns you on.
Friday, April 4, 2008
What I Am reading to my kids, part 6
Mister Dog
by Margaret Wise Brown
My wife found a steal at Costco. A package of a dozen or so classic Golden Books bundled together for something like 20 bucks. My daughter has been having me read each one of them over the nights, and some are very entertaining, such as Richard Scarry's book Good Night, Little Bear, but one in particular has me scratching my head. It's like a Salvador Dali/Luis Bunuel movie.
Mister Dog was written by Margaret Wise Brown, of Goodnight Moon fame, and I am trying to figure out what she was trying to convey with the book. Many of the Golden Books come out with some dated storylines and references, and I admire them for their boldness in doing so and still being sold in an age when parents complain about the supposed "anti-Christian" message of the Harry Potter books, or the nearly salty language in the Junie B. Jones series. The Golden Books are by no means irreverent, rather, they represent a time when books had a peculiar imagination and weren't as concerned with marketing or whether the author could reach a mass audience. They're often whimsical and never didactic, which to me kills chidren's books.
The story concerns a dog named Crispin's Crispian, named so, the author explains, because he has no owner. Yes, he owns himself. He has droopy straw hat and a corn cob pipe, and looks like the protagonist of Uncle Tom's Cabin, or at least, Uncle Ben, but images from slavery and reconstruction nonetheless. Not quite sure what they're trying to imply, but that's neither here nor there, because then it gets weirder. First he acts like a poor person/slave who owns himself, standing on his hind legs and living in a house, and then he takes himself for a walk. Suddenly, he breaks character, goes down on four legs, and frolics with the other dogs, tongue wagging and slobbering. Yes, those slaves always reverting to their true selves in the end.
He goes on with his walks and comes across a little boy who also owns himself, in contrast to the dog's usual servitude. Crispian invites him back to his house, and they pick up a bunch of meat and have a feast at home. A picture shows the dog eating 'meat soup' and the boy cutting a steak bigger than his head. That's what makes the scene Bunuelesque - like the excessive feast of the capitalists in the Exterminating Angel. Brown even mentions their fat stomachs being filled. The most jarring part is the admonishing passage about Crispian being a conservative (italics hers) and how he likes everything just so, sunrises at sunrise, sunsets at sunset, and his house always in order. I chuckle because conservative is such a loaded term these days. I expected her to say the dog advocates free market economics and family values. After their Roman feast and over literate explanation of Crispian's character, he and the little go to bed. Seperate beds, because that would not be conservative. No, I don't mean to imply interspecies pederasty (Brown does call him a 'funny old dog'), rather, that cosleeping is such a pinko hippie thing to do.
What is most strange about the book is how the length of the story doesn't feature the conciseness of a children's book, but rather the story elements kind of crash together like a 10 car pileup on the highway. It's meandering. It isn't simple and the concept of a dog owning itself is way over the heads of kids these days. Kids this young don't get self-reflexiveness, because they have to get to know the standards of story and language before they can find something like that entertaining. When you say "that's my dog", or "that's their dog" its really a convenient way of expressing a concept like that. Kids love a pet, and feel attached enough to it to refer to it as 'their' pet, but really they think of pets as another person. Adults feel attached to their pets in a different way, but kids think of them as friends. The concept of ownership isn't even a consideration until they're older. The whole 'conservative' business is equally baffling. I half-expected a footnote at the bottom of that page referring to an Adam Smith essay. Why the author felt the need to illustrate this point to children is unsettling, like it was an apology in the 1950s for their parents being so square and that you needed to do what they say.
Then again, maybe that isn't a bad message. Who cares that the messenger is a surrealist.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What I am reading to my kids, part 5
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
Jon Scieszka
Illustrations by Lane Smith
My daughter has had me read this to her every night this week, even though I don't think she's old enough to understand it. I don't know if I really get it either, as its self-reflexive take on classic fairy tales and references to authorship are over the heads of most kids, and I kind of scratch my head at its appeal.
I don't how this book came into our collection, but my wife is a collector of childrens' books (I once bought her an early edition of Alice in Wonderland as a gift) so I am assuming this book is hers. It's a bit too sophisticated for a four year-old. She has other books as well that she's reluctant to let the kids read, especially since my one year old son ripped a page out of her signed copy of Ray Bradbury's Switch on the Night.
My daughter, I think, has a fascination with weirdness that is typical of school age children, and may be ahead of other kids her age in that respect, so that's the current appeal of Stinky Cheese Man. Case in point are the illustrations, which look like something that Ralph Steadman would dream up for a kids' book. Steadman is the guy who illustrated the cover of Pink Floyd's album The Wall, exacting a look somewhere between Monty Python caricature of British Society, Nazi propaganda posters and the paranoia of heroin addiction. Not that the illustrations for this are so grotesque, but they are meant to be caricaturish and whimsical a la Hieronymous Bosch and will elicit comments from my daughter like, "Why does Ducky Lucky have so many eyes?" (Answer, in my head: Because the illustrator is trying to show home crazily shaking his head) or "Why does the giant have a triangle nose?" (Answer: Because he's actually the scarecrow from Wizard of Oz).
The stories themselves are parodies of Chicken Licken, where the sky doesn't fall, but the book's table of contents does, of the Frog Prince, where he just wants to be kissed by the princess, and Jack and the Beanstalk, which doesn't technically get told. Instead the Giant complains that he always gets shafted by the fairly tale before it ever gets off the ground and the book depicts Jack's escape from his clutches by speaking in sentences that get smaller and smaller on the page until the Giant falls asleep.
The parody is a mixed bag. The Little Red Riding Hood parody is called "Little Red Running Shorts" and it tells how the quick running Riding Hood outruns the wolf to Granny's heading the main plot point of the original story off at the pass. So it trails off into absurdity. For kids its clever, but to me it's redundant. The only original story, the Stinky Cheese Man, just shows the aforementioned character as a prankster who tries to get people to chase him for some unspecified reason, but everyone avoids him and his smell until he dies in a river. That's it. Certainly no one can accuse it of plot complication.
I think the book isn't really meant for kids at all. Kids don't understand the concept of meta-narrators and archetypes that would be more appropriate to college class on semiology. What's more, it's cynical. Kids have enough time to be cynical in adolescence, and it's wink-wink, look how controversial sensibility, but it wears thin after the first read. The parody isn't sophisticated enough for me, as an adult, but kids might like being confused and seeing those Bosch-y drawings.
But despite my initial reaction, there is much to like about the book. It's very witty at points. I liked the Princess and the Bowling Ball story, a take on the princess and the pea. The prince in the story is a little peeved that his parents have put such exacting standards on his potential mates, and is frustrated because none fit the bill of being able to sense a pea under 100 mattresses. So he puts a bowling ball under the sleeping princess he really wants so that there is no way she can fail the test. The mashup of stories where Cinderella meets Rumplestilskin is also worth a chuckle.
I just wish I was kid sometimes, back to when weirdness was, you know, weird.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Remembering classic toys, I
The Viewmaster
The viewmaster was introduced in 1939. It's still around, though considering the advancements of media since then, it's a wonder kids would play with it. Essentially, it's a kids version of a peep show. You put those little disks of pictures in, press the lever and presto! Instant depth.
I probably had a lot of the viewmaster disks, but I only remember three; views of the Grand Canyon (which was apparently one of the original disks), Disneyland and scenes from the movie Old Yeller. I also have one eye that doesn't work all that well, and I could never take advantage of the illusion of 3-D that that the Viewmaster offered. You would see the same image with each eye, the brain put them together and make forced perspective. Actually, considering that most people's eyes don't work exactly the same and that one eye is generally dominant, it's wonder that it worked for anyone or that 3-D movies ever became popular.
Really, the value of a Viewmaster is that you could look at pictures and never worry about your parents sneaking up on you and wondering why you might be lingering on a photograph too long. The image on the Disneyland disk of the giant eye looking at your through a microscope on the old "Adventures in Inner Space" ride was a particular obsession of mine, both because it scared me when I was a kid and because I wanted to get over being scared by it through viewing repetition. It never worked, but I didn't want anyone to think I was weird. I could look at it through the privacy of the viewmaster. I'm surprised the adult film industry never figured out a way to make bootleg porn discs for the Viewmaster. Then you would see every business man on an airplane looking at viewmaster.
Some of the Disneyland photographs tried to show the inside of the dark rides like Peter Pan, but they had to take the pictures with some ancient 1950s flash camera that made it look like some tabloid photographs. Two bespectacled, poodle-skirted riders glaring at a flash camera: Headline: "Caught! Riders necking on Peter Pan! And smoking some Mary Jane!".
Old Yeller was a particular obsession of mine as kid, probably the cruelest movie ever produced by Disney. The Viewmaster illustrated the story: cute little pup, boy bonds with dog, dog saves boy's life, then dog gets rabies and euthanasia as payment. I remember a photograph of the father in the movie stalking the dog with a shotgun. Of course, we know what happened next. I don't know why I always watched the movie like a festering sore that I examined every minute in the mirror. It was always on TV and used to watch it endlessly, and then I would relive the movie in the Viewmaster. Come to think of it, I think I spent half my childhood crying and Old Yeller was the cause. I still can't look at the bags of Old Yeller dog food in the supermarket. Way to go, Disney.
The Grand Canyon images were unspectacular, but to me I imagined them to be like the lunar surface. I didn't get to see the Grand Canyon in the flesh until I was 23. I did have an opportunity to visit it when I was 10 because we were travelling through the area, but we had to make a choice between visiting it and the Dinosaur National Monument, due to time constraints and because my stepfather was an asshole. I was in the throes of the dinosaur curriculum in elementary school I chose the skeletons. I still had the Viewmaster version to fall back on.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Eat Some Mercury, It's Good for You
A couple of news stories - The first one about a TV show premiering tomorrow, where the main plot line is about a man suing a drug manufacturer because he thinks a vaccine they created caused his child to develop autism:
The second is another article about a study done with information from the real world recently to show that mercury in vaccines is OK, countering research from a few years ago about said link:
The main issue is with thimersol, a preservative used in vaccines which has a small amount of mercury in it, and has been used for decades in childhood immunizations. I understand the concern that the American Academy of Pediatrics has, namely, that what they think is hysteria on the part of parents has caused the immunization rates to fall, and thus expose all children to the threat of serious childhood diseases.
A lot of this comes from a recent, deep distrust most people have developed of the medical establishment and their expertise, and the AAP is thinking that a TV show is going to feed that distrust by spreading more hysteria. First, I don't think enough people are going to watch the show, called "Eli Stone", but now that they've raised a stink about it, everyone will, countering their intentions.
I'm not going to comment on the problems with medicine in the United States (for that I defer to Michael Moore's movie "Sicko"), but I'm going to raise the 'no, duh' question. Why do we have mercury anywhere near children?
I remember from my 10th grade chemistry class that mercury, even in small doses, is one of the most poisonous substances on the planet. Wouldn't it be prudent not to put any of it near a child's fragile physiology? Perhaps vaccines are necessary, but is mercury necessary to make it?
It begs a larger question of how we got to the point of accepting things in our food, air, water, households and medicine that really shouldn't be there. I remember as a kid reading a story about the FDA standards for the acceptable amounts of insect matter in boxes of raisins - one fly per box. There's also the acceptable amounts of lead and mercury in our water. That's OK. Wait a second, one of the historical reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire was that the great engineers of that society used lead piping to bring water to the cities, thereby causing widespread retardation, learning disabilities and reproductive sterilization. Back then, they didn't know that lead was poisonous, with the most advanced science in the Western World. Whose to say we have such foresight?
The debate over does it or doesn't it cause autism to me is moot. It is akin to the whole global warming debate. The fact that warming is or isn't occurring is debatable, though most science leans towards an affirmative, and thus can be discounted and we can continue to rationalize all those things that cause with a blind conscience. However, what is overlooked is this: pollution is not a good thing. Chemicals which are poisonous byproducts or manufacturing or combustion engines or what have you cannot be continually poured into us without some consequences.
So, can we get rid of the mercury now?
The second is another article about a study done with information from the real world recently to show that mercury in vaccines is OK, countering research from a few years ago about said link:
The main issue is with thimersol, a preservative used in vaccines which has a small amount of mercury in it, and has been used for decades in childhood immunizations. I understand the concern that the American Academy of Pediatrics has, namely, that what they think is hysteria on the part of parents has caused the immunization rates to fall, and thus expose all children to the threat of serious childhood diseases.
A lot of this comes from a recent, deep distrust most people have developed of the medical establishment and their expertise, and the AAP is thinking that a TV show is going to feed that distrust by spreading more hysteria. First, I don't think enough people are going to watch the show, called "Eli Stone", but now that they've raised a stink about it, everyone will, countering their intentions.
I'm not going to comment on the problems with medicine in the United States (for that I defer to Michael Moore's movie "Sicko"), but I'm going to raise the 'no, duh' question. Why do we have mercury anywhere near children?
I remember from my 10th grade chemistry class that mercury, even in small doses, is one of the most poisonous substances on the planet. Wouldn't it be prudent not to put any of it near a child's fragile physiology? Perhaps vaccines are necessary, but is mercury necessary to make it?
It begs a larger question of how we got to the point of accepting things in our food, air, water, households and medicine that really shouldn't be there. I remember as a kid reading a story about the FDA standards for the acceptable amounts of insect matter in boxes of raisins - one fly per box. There's also the acceptable amounts of lead and mercury in our water. That's OK. Wait a second, one of the historical reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire was that the great engineers of that society used lead piping to bring water to the cities, thereby causing widespread retardation, learning disabilities and reproductive sterilization. Back then, they didn't know that lead was poisonous, with the most advanced science in the Western World. Whose to say we have such foresight?
The debate over does it or doesn't it cause autism to me is moot. It is akin to the whole global warming debate. The fact that warming is or isn't occurring is debatable, though most science leans towards an affirmative, and thus can be discounted and we can continue to rationalize all those things that cause with a blind conscience. However, what is overlooked is this: pollution is not a good thing. Chemicals which are poisonous byproducts or manufacturing or combustion engines or what have you cannot be continually poured into us without some consequences.
So, can we get rid of the mercury now?
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